Saturday 30 August 2008


Having spent hours and hours trying to find out about historical aspects of feltmaking, felt hats, fulling and all things related and then never being able to easily retrieve previously found information I decided it was about time I put it all together and the idea of this blog was born.

There is limited historical evidence of feltmaking and I combine this with information about traditional methods of feltmaking in countries where it still exists today and general knoweldge and experience to make educated guesses about how it would have been ...

To begin with I will be putting together stuff I have found over the last three years since setting up a feltmaking workshop as a Tudor period, social history/ historical reenactment experiment at Kentwell Hall.

It will be a place where I put stuff as I find it rather than a blog that is studiously added to each day. Where possible there will be references and or links to other web sites and I will reflect on my experience of feltmaking as 16th Century Good Wife Joan.

I am not an expert, if you have any information that you think will add to and complement or even contradict what I have here then feel free to contribute. Many thanks to those of you who have helped me get thus far.

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